Some Strange Thing

Some Strange Thing is a zine I have been working on during Spring 2022. In my head, there are always flowing some weird thoughts and strange ideations, just like a dream sometimes is hard to describe what you saw and what you are experiencing. Such as the monster faces or colorful shapes of plants that are been created just like in a dream of mine. Abstract monsters (such as my woodblock prints) or weird designs sometimes are not accepted by the traditional art concept, they are never ‘perfect’ as it begins, so I want to make some free shapes or odd-looking abstracts to reshape my relationships with the ‘perfect art’, instead of to focus on if the body shapes are in a correct ratio or if the color contest is used correctly, I just want to create freely with no sketch or reference photos as its starts, in there I am free same as the creatures I created just full of random and fun imaginations as it should be.


PolyChromatic Beige with Koala Manne