Mandala - mute BODY

The final exhibition of PKRD 59 compliments the journey built upon the groundwork laid in the initial chapter, windy HOME – presented during Tour de Franz. This concluding phase represents the culmination of the artist residency experience, involving the collaboration of artists and curators.

mute BODY aims to give voice to everyone and collectively create a lively ambiance to break the silence. This interconnected common narrative begins with the dissection of the concept of the BODY into its prime components. It is one of the basic and most complex elements of humankind’s existence. Our BODY is also our first home. To find one’s understanding, the individual reconstructs themselves and their corporeality in different ways and a volume of varying intensity..

curators Mathilde Castaignède and Hanna Tokaj

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Sudi also experimented with video. Inspired by the main character, Mizoguchi, in Yukio Mishima’s The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, Sudi burns one of her prints. It burns slowly and without a big flame. It’s almost as though it is burning from the inside.

Mizoguchi puts so much faith and importance in the temple that at some point he burns it down to regain his own sense of power and worth. As Sudi’s print comes to the end of its existence, she reverses the process and allows it to return. We are always growing and renewing. Nothing is the end, it’s only the beginning of something new.

written by maeshelle west-davies


- Drawings